Thursday 24 March 2011

Student success meeting minute

Student Success Meeting Minutes
          Date: March14, 2011 14:20 to 14:50 Venue: ADMC Room W104
Meeting called by: Mr. Ahmed Alhamadi Type of meeting: issue resolving
Note Taker: Mr. Talal Alshehhi
Attendees:  All members (Mr. Ahmed Alhamadi, Mr. Saif Alsaeedi , Mr. Talal Alshehhi, Mr. Saeed Hareb).
1.    Welcome, Attendance, Note Taker
·         Meeting started at 14:20
2.    Students do not understand the subject:
·         Give more English lessons.
·         Teachers should use an easier method which helps the students to understand.
3.    Not familiar with the lectures:
·         Use more than one technique to lecture the student.  
·         Teachers should take some lessons to learn how to deal with the average student.
4.    Students care less about the subject:
·         Have a meeting (open day) with the parents and give them a feedback about their children progress.
      5.    Shy to participate in class:
·         Make some activites.
       6.Students who does not study:
·         Force them to study by giving them more homework and more exams.

7.    A quick review for :
·         Everyone was clear about the suggestions and our recommendations after the note taker reviewed it.
8.    Action Plan:
·         The Note Taker shall take our suggestions and give it to Students Academic Service Manager  Mr. Khalid Abdullah for implementation.

9.    Progress check meeting:
·         Another meeting will be held within Three weeks time.
Meeting report:
Today’s meeting was held at 14:20 and concluded at 14:50 on the 14th of March 2011. The ADMC Room W104 was the location for this forum. All principle members were present to include the Chair/Lead Mr. Ahmed Alhamadi, Minutes Keeper: Mr. Talal Alshehhi and fellow board members Mr. Saif Asaeedi, and Mr. Saeed Hareb. The major topics of this discussion were the student success and how to achieve it. We started our meeting by finding out  that some students do not understand their subjects. One way would be by giving more English lessons for the students who are week in English and ask their teachers to use some easier method to help them understand the subject. One of the problems facing the students these days that they are not familiar with the lecture they are taking. Using more techniques to lecture the student is one way to help prevent this problem. Also teachers should take some lessons of how to deal with the average students. Carelessness is a major issue for students. We thought that making an open day with parents as an activity day would help to give information to the parents about their children in a nice way.  Some students are shy in class, we need to make them participate in some outdoor activates with the other classmates and it will break the ice. By giving students more homework and exams, the lack of studying habit should be solved.  Our ideas and suggestions will be sent to the student academic service manager Mr. Khalid Abdullah next meeting will be held in three weeks time. The meeting was useful and went well, all members were happy and satisfied with the result.

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