Wednesday 11 May 2011

Semi-Formal Presentation Summary

I joined a presentation with my classmates Ahmed Alhamady, Saif Alsaedi and Saeed Alqubesi, it took place in room T005 at 4:30 PM.

The presentation was about the diffrence between the regular Laptop and the Apple Ipad, and the time was aproximatly fiften minutes long. Everybody did their best in this presentation, everyone was nervous at the beggining, but once they start talking, everything went smooth. It started with the introduction presented by Saif, he had a nice clear voice and made everybody in the room giving him all their attention, but the only thing I noticed his hands was behind his back. After that, Ahmed start talking about the history of Laptops and the fetures, great eye contact and very confidant and seems to know what he was talking about, but he move alot during the presentation. Then, I start explaning about the Ipod and how important it is in our life now, I tried to show confident but I think that I need to practice more on my preformance. The conclution was made by saeed who give a nice summry about what we talked about and gave everybody very nice information about the presentation, although, he need  to learn more vocabulary for this kind of presentations.

In the end, I think everybody did a good job in the presentation , we might need to put more information in our presentations next time.

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