Friday 3 June 2011

Land Pollution

On Thursday 2nd of June , I participate in a presentation about land pollution with my Group members, Ahmed Alhammadi, Saif Alsaedi, Saeed Alqubaisi and myself, Talal Alshehhi.

My part is to talk about the causes and effects of the land pollution,but first we need to know what land pollution is. Land pollution is where our land may be as far as being contaminated. All the types of waste can be found on land. Some left behind after human activities and some is washed ashore from boats and sewage outlets, so basically, land pollution are caused by us, human.
  The main cause of land pollution is us. We are creating too much unnecessary waste. In addition of this, we don’t recycle the waste we create. Many of the resources we use in our life are disposed quickly. Food wrapped in paper, drinks is in throw-away bottles or cans, batteries, all disposed to end up as a waste, and although all of these mentioned waste could be recycled. There are other types of waste which considered more harmful to land such as chemical plants, coal-fired power plants, oil refineries, nuclear waste, large animal farms, metal production factories, plastic factories and other heavy industry.
The rubbish collected from our homes and offices, instead of being recycled, are thrown in large land marked by the governments which cause major land pollution.  
  Tons and tons of waste are dumped every day because people do not follow the proper methods for waste disposal which leave places look dirty and make them unhealthy. Skin problems among humans are often related to land pollution, it is said that the improper waste disposal cause allergic reaction to the skin. Land pollution also found guilty when it comes to birth defects, pregnant lady which lives in an unhealthy environment can incur breathing problems and number of diseases which affect the health of the baby. Land pollution often disrupts the balance of nature, causing human fatalities.
The presentation lasted about half an hour, and everybody did well in their parts.

1 comment:

  1. Good comments, but you were supposed to write about one of your group members talk!! - still I'm glad that you learned something from the class!

