Friday 3 June 2011

My Presentation Skills

This Semister I had an class called LSEC-N101 which I learned about how to give a succesful presentations. First, I started by giving a semi-formal presentation abou the diffrences between an Ipad and a Laptop, It was hard and scary at the beginning and I did some mistakes.

My part is to talk about the Ipad I started going to the library and searching for some information to help me with my presentation, I searched the internet and I read some books which helped me gathering some useful information. On the presentation day, I was nervous and froze at some moments, I started to forget the information I memorized before, but as the presention was going, so was I, I kept talking and tried to use the skills I learned during the class like using my hands, make an eye contact and give a clear voice. The thing I thought I did well in was using information that was easy for the attenders to understand, I used a clear voice and an easy set of vocabulare for everybody to understand. One of the things I thought that I should imporove next time, was the pauses between the sentences and to know when to stop talking and give the attenders a time to think of the information I just gave.

Last week I had a formal presentation and it went well, it was about Land pollution, my part was to talk about the causes and the effects of land pollution. This time I was more confidant and I did not shouk at the beginning like my last presentation, my voice was clear, good eye contact and my powerpoint slides had more information than last time. I felt more confidant and I know what I was doing, I was looking directly to the faces like I was talking to them.

I learned so much from this course, useful skills on how to deliver my point to some one else and how to be in the spot light. In the future, I am sure these skills will be very helpful for me every where, for example, in my job, when I have a new idea which will help my carrer , I can give it to my supervisiors easly and without being afried. The biggest challenge I faced in my formal presentation was to find the right vocabulares to make the idea simpelar, and I had to search alot for the information which will make my presentation sounds more serious. In the future, I need to do more preperation everytime I want to do a presentation or participate in on.

Finally, I'm really glad I joined this course , I felt this course will really help me in my future and everyday life.

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